

? 產(chǎn)品用途

本設備廣泛適用于中西藥、食品、化工、 輕工等行業(yè)溶液的濃縮,能滿足熱敏性物料低 溫濃縮的要求,操作簡單,節(jié)能效果顯著。

The device is suitable for the concentration of solution in such lines as traditional Chiense and Western medicine.chemicals, and food as well as in light industry. It can satisfy the needs of concentration of heat-sensitive matters in low temperature. It is easy in operation and remarkable in energy saving.

? 技術(shù)參數(shù)

型號規(guī)格? WZ-500 WZ-1000 WZ-1500 WZ-2000
蒸發(fā)量 (kg/h) 500 4000 1500 2000
回收酒精濃度(%) 70-85
蒸汽壓 (MPa) 0.03-0.09
真空度(MPa) 負0.05—負0.08
蒸發(fā)室容積(m3) 1 1.5 2 2.5
受液槽容積(m3) 0.3 0.5 0.8 1
耗汽(Kg/h) 520 1050 1550 2100
耗水(T/h) 7 10 15 20
回收量(kg/h) 170-230 300-380 540-600 680-760
注:本設備由加熱器、蒸發(fā)器、冷凝器和受液罐等五部份組成 Note:? Itis? made? up of heater,evaporator, condenser and? liquid supply tank.

鄂公網(wǎng)安備 42011502001096號 Copyright ? 2022 湖北世紀鏵方輕工機械有限公司 All Rights Reserved
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